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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Baby Photo Contest – 5 Good Reasons To Enter Your Baby Or Toddler

You think your child is the cutest thing on the planet, but so does every other parent. While that may be your sole purpose in entering a child into a photo contest, here are 5 other reasons you should considering entering your baby or toddler into a baby photo contest. #1 – Most baby photo contests offer prizes. Most of the time, the Grand Prize is Cash. That is the easiest money you could ever make. This would be a great way to save money for college. #2 – If you are looking to get your child into modeling, pageants, TV or magazines, baby photo contests is a great way to start. Some baby photo contests even send your baby photo entries to modeling agencies if they like what they see. This is great exposure for your child. #3 – It’s a fun and exciting thing to do for you baby. Imagine your child’s surprise when they know how much you thought of them that you entered them into a baby photo contest. #4 – You have tons of baby photos. Do something different with them. Scrapbooks and photo albums are wonderful, but entering your baby into a baby photo contest is exciting! #5 – Satisfaction of winning! You know your baby is a cutie pie. Winning would be proof! Some baby photo contests even offer prizes to all children whether they place in the top 3 or not. Some baby photo contests are free to enter and others you may need to pay for. I have found that those with fees offer the better prizes and have less competition for your baby and toddler. Be savvy in choosing the baby photo contest you enter. The less popular the site and contest, the less competition you will have. There are also some baby photo contests that offer online voting. With those contests, you have more control of your child's chances at winning. Remember that baby photo contest are a form of entertainment that can benefit your child, however you musn't take them too seriously. Otherwise you miss out on the fun of the whole experience. Good Luck in finding a great baby photo contest.

Staying At Home Or Working- Which Is Best For You

Most mothers struggle with the question of whether to stay at home with their children or work. If you’re trying to make that decision, you know that it can be very difficult, because there are advantages and disadvantages to both sides. Here are some things to consider when making your decision. Can you afford to stay home? This one seems obvious, but the question requires consideration. There are costs associated with working, such as child care, gas, wear and tear on your car, clothing, lunches and parking. Deduct these expenses from your paycheck and see what’s left. Next, look at other expenses you can cut. Would it be worth it to you to cut back on vacations and luxuries like cable television if it meant you could be home? If you didn’t have a commute to work, could you settle for a less expensive car? Once you’ve examined all the alternatives, you can make a better decision about how staying home will affect you financially. Will you be happy at home? Some women stay home because they feel like it’s the best thing for their children, even though they are personally much happier working. If you are unhappy at home, this will have a negative effect on your children, so you shouldn’t force yourself to stay home if it isn’t where you want to be. Will you be miserable if you go back to work? Conversely, mothers who truly want to be home with their children, but go to work each day just because the paycheck is a necessity are not getting the best from their life, either. If you fall into this category, maybe it’s time to examine a career alternative that might be a good compromise. Could you cut your hours? Could you telecommute at your present job, or find a job that would allow you to work out of your home? Fortunately, today’s employers offer more alternatives in hours and work environment that make balancing your work and home life a little easier. Remember that the decision you make is not necessarily permanent. Your financial situation could change, as could your personal preferences about working. I have personally done it both ways, and neither is a walk in the park. They are just hard in different ways, and which one works better for you is mostly a matter of your own personal style.